Zak Morgan

Classroom: Literacy – Music – Science

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Zak Morgan

“Thank you for creating a unique program that encourages reading, writing and using your imagination through books.”
-Mary Ann Wisniewski, Librarian – St. Joseph School, Sylvania, Ohio

“Zak Morgan’s songs provide a fun way to teach students the elements of music, and they are easy to incorporate into your daily lesson plan. My students’ familiarity with Zak Morgan’s songs made his concert much more meaningful. It was like meeting a pen pal for the first time.”
-Wayne Luessen, Music Educator – Yealey Elementary, Florence, KY

“I have been attending Artsbridge performances for 5th grade for many years. This was the absolute, best performance I have seen ever! The 5’s in the rating below are inadequate! Zak was absolutely amazing!! His way of getting across the science lessons by using music and humor certainly worked! He had the kids “wrapped around his finger.” He was always positive and recognized the kids. Zak covered 5th grade standards in science. He has a real gift!! Please include him next year in your Artsbridge performances. Thank you!!!”  – Madison Elementary, Parkersburg, WV

Zak’s Teacher Guides, Study Guides, Worksheets & Lyrics

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Music Study Guide

Zak Morgan Music Guide

Students can identify and perform simple rhythmic, melodic, or chordal patterns on classroom instruments.

  • Lesson Plan 1: When Bullfrogs Croak
  • Lesson Plan 2: Hungry Things
  • Lesson Plan 3: The Unicorn
  • Lesson Plan 4: The Spider’s Web
  • Lesson Plan 5: The Butterfly

Literature Study Guide

Zak's Literature Study Guide

A pre-program guide prepares students to look for literary devices during the performance, while a post-program guide provides exercises in reading comprehension.

Topics Discussed:

  • Reading
  • Writing Arts & Humanities
  • Responding/Creating/Performing
  • Practical Living
  • Science

Also Includes:

  • Bibliography of Zak Morgan’s Favorite Books
  • List of Zak Morgan’s Biggest Musical Inspirers
  • The History of Song

Science Study Guide, K – 5

Zak's Science Study Guide

A post-program guide provides exercises in science comprehension.

Topics Discussed:

  • Sound
  • Ear anatomy
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Matter
  • Atoms
  • Electrons

Science Worksheets, Grades K-2

Science Worksheets, Grades K-2

A post-program guide provides exercises in science comprehension.

Topics Discussed:

  • Sound
  • Ear anatomy
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Matter
  • Atoms
  • Electrons

Science Worksheets, Grades 3-5

Science Worksheets, Grades K-2

A post-program guide provides exercises in science comprehension.

Topics Discussed:

  • Sound
  • Ear anatomy
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Matter
  • Atoms
  • Electrons

Science Worksheets & Lyrics, Grades K – 5

Zak's Zak's Science Worksheets and Lyrics
  • Ear
  • Sound Waves
  • Matter
  • Magnetic

Science Teacher Guides K-2

Zak's Zak's Science Worksheets and Lyrics
  • Ear
  • Sound Waves
  • Matter
  • Magnetic

Science Teacher Guides 3-5

Zak's Zak's Science Worksheets and Lyrics
  • Ear
  • Sound
  • Matter

Workshops and Residencies

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Zak Morgan’s creative writing residencies of three to five days use music and storytelling to exercise students’ imagination and encourage reading.

Here is an example of an original story song from a one of Zak’s residencies.  In this particular collaboration, each student wrote and illustrated a stanza about a wild trip to outer space.



Order Zak’s Music Albums

Zak Morgan Horizontal Line
Zak Morgan's Music Albums Order Form

Order Your Copy Today!
Click here to order online or using this mail-in order form & you can earn $5 for your school!

  • Bloom
  • When Bullfrogs Croak
  • The Candy Machine
  • The Barber of the Beasts
  • ZakLand DVD